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  OBDSOS PRODUCTS Car Key Programmer
Product ID SK148
Product Name BMW & Land Rover EWS3 EWS4 Test Platform
Product Price USD25
Actual Weight (Kg)
Volumetric Weight (Kg) 0.5
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Name: BMW & Land Rover EWS3 EWS4 Test Platform Rechargeable
BMW & Land Rover EWS3/EWS4 Test Platform can perform following 3 functions without connecting to the BMW:

It is able to test whether EWS3, EWS4 is working or not.
It is able to test whether the PCF7935 chip or EML electronic chip key is complete programming or not.
It is able to test whether EML key electronic chip is working or not, and test after fixing EWS data.

How to use BMW / Land Rover EWS3 EWS4 Test Platform?

As shown in the following picture, connect the EWS3 / EWS4 with the Test Platform, and supply 12V power for the device, you will see the white indicator flashes, it indicates EWS3 is working well; after the EWS4 is supplied with 12V power, you will see the indicator light flashes fast, it indicates EWS4 is working well.

After supplying the power, if the white indicator does not flash, it indicates EWS can not work well, please check whether 0D46J or 2D47J is not welded well, or maybe EWS is damaged. If it is so, you need to buy a used EWS and fix it by writing data.

Place the programmed PCF7935 chip or EML electronic chip key in the middle of the test platform, and wait for 3 to 5 seconds, you will hear the relay in the EWS3 or EWS4 make a sound when working and see the red indicator flashes, it indicates the chip programming complete.

Step 01: Connect EWS3 or EWS4 with the BMW / Land Rover EWS Test Platform.

Step 02: Supplying 12V power, you will see white indicator flashes.
Place the chip on the test platform as shown bellow, after the chip is correctly read out, the red indicator will flash.


BMW / Land Rover EWS Test Platform is rechargeable, besides Tango Key Programmer, BMW / Land Rover EWS Test Platform is the only device in the current market which is able to charge for the rechargeable key. If you own the EWS and BMW / Land Rover EWS Test Platform, it means you own a set of advanced car key charger, and it can work with all rechargeable keys.

Place the induction coil on the sensing area, the indicator light will flash as shown in the following picture.

BMW 7 series E65 E66 and X5 EML keys are rechargeable. And this test platform is compatible with all rechargeable keys.

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